Leith Toy Hospital helping local community during lockdown

Here at Leith Toy Hospital we’ve been helping keep the community cheerful during lockdown, with our window displays, and by sewing scrubs for the NHS. 

The Big Bear Hunt – the worldwide trend of putting a bear in your window for children to spot on their daily walks – resonated with the staff at the Leith Toy Hospital! We decided to create a window display of our bears, toys, dolls and puppets, so they can see out of the window and wave at the passers-by on the street! 
The window now features a different selection of teddies every day, as well as toys dressed up as doctors and nurses! 

Teddy Window Display

Along with so many others we’ve been reading in the news about the shortages of protective equipment faced by the NHS. Here at the Toy Hospital, we wanted to try and help our friends out over at the human hospital. 
We came across an initiative called ‘for the love of scrubs’ who are recruiting sewers to make scrubs for NHS Scotland staff. We wanted to help, so we’ve turned our sewing machines to the task. They also have a Go Fund Me page set up, where you can donate. out

We were very pleased that both the Edinburgh Reporter, and the Edinburgh Evening News picked up on what we’ve been up to! 

Article in Edinburgh Reporter

If you’re passing Constitution St on your daily constitutional, then remember to look out for the toys in the window, and give them a wave! 

And if you’re very lucky – some children have been finding teddies in plant pots on the Toy Hospital steps with “I’m looking for a loving new home” labels around their necks. If you find one you can take them home!

Teddy looking for a new home