Toy Cleaning and Care Tips
Toy Cleaning and care Tips
Many people ask us how best to clean and store their treasured toys. We offer a surface cleaning service, and have experience tackling even the grimiest of teddies! Read our cleaning tips below to find out what you can do at home to care for your toys. Undeniably proper cleaning and storage will greatly prolong the life of your precious antique or child’s favourite toy!
Soft Toy Cleaning
For most teddy bear cleaning, we recommend a surface clean.
Generally the best way to do this is with carpet foam or a mild shampoo and warm water solution.
Although make sure your toy doesn’t get very wet – just enough water to loosen the dirt. A steam cleaner is helpful if you have one.
Apply the foam or suds with a toothbrush and wipe down with a clean cloth to remove dirt. You may need to do this for several hours if the toy is very dirty.
Lastly start with a soft, wide brush, gently brush out your toy’s fur. You can gradually build up to finer wire brushes to fluff up the fur. Make sure to brush very gently to avoid pulling out any fur.
Although if you don’t fancy surface cleaning yourself, contact us – we can certainly do this for you. There are some pricing guidelines here.
Machine Washing Modern Soft Toys
Modern stuffed toys won’t be destroyed if you put them in the washing machine, but the stuffing will all clump together. It’s best to remove the stuffing first and replace it when the toy is dry.
Furthermore place your toy in a pillowcase to protect it and wash on a gentle cycle.
You can also soak it in warm water with some gentle soap instead.
Although if you don’t want to restuff it yourself after washing, we can do this for you – give us a shout! There are some pricing guidelines here.
Moth and Insect Infestation in teddies
Keep your toys in a dry and well ventilated area. Moths love warm, dark and musty places, such as attics and the back of cupboards.
Learn to spot moths around your house: Look out for the common clothes moth (6-7mm long with paler, beige wings).
If your toy has any moth damage or you spot moth eggs on it, we recommend you isolate the toy in a sealed bag with moth balls for four weeks before thoroughly cleaning it. Moth eggs can often be removed using a hoover. For further advice ust get in touch.
Use a natural moth repellent such as cedar wood balls.
Learn to spot moth eggs and moth damage to your toy. The eggs look a bit like sand and they are often accompanied by cobweb like webbing. You may see small holes in the fabric because the eggs have hatched and the larvae has eaten the fabric.
Additionally if your teddy has moth holes and you would like them repaired, get in touch.
in case of an emergency…
get a quote
If all this sounds daunting, or you don’t want to risk your antique doll or teddy bear cleaning it yourself, we are happy to undertake the task. We offer surface cleaning as part of a repair job, or on its own. The cost ranges from £30 depending on the size of the toy and how delicate or dirty it is.